Cabinet Installation Guide

Posted by Steven on 1/6/2025 1:04:07 PM

Installing a cabinet yourself can seem daunting. However, if you want to install one of our Craftline, Everview, or CNC cabinets, we have resources to help simplify the process. Below are some basic information, installation videos, and documents.

Assembling the Cabinets

You must assemble the cabinets using the instructions if they are not assembled. Below, you'll find helpful assembly guides and instructional videos.


Base Cabinet Installation

Base Cabinet Assembly Instructions

Base Cabinet Assembly Sketches

Base Cabinet Assembly Video

YouTube Video Embed

Additional Helpful Documents

Craftline Cabinets 3D Model Images

Cabinet Construction


Base Cabinet Assembly

YouTube Video Embed

Wall Cabinet Assembly

YouTube Video Embed

Rollout Tray Assembly

CNC Cabinetry

All of the CNC cabinets come fully assembled.


If the cabinet malfunctions, you should know the brand's warranty. Below are the warranties from the three brands.

Crafteline Warranty

Everview Warranty

CNC Cabinetry Warranty

Installing the Cabinets

After you have checked everything and assembled the cabinets, it is time to install them.

Disclaimer: Before you start, take a moment to carefully review the instructions. The installation process may vary depending on the type of cabinet and the manufacturer.

Tools Needed

The tools you need may vary based on the cabinet you are installing, but these are the tools you will need the most.


Before you begin, look over what you received. The instructions will include a parts list for you to review. If something is missing or damaged, please reach out to whoever you purchased it from. It is recommended that at least two people work together to install cabinets.

Take the time to locate all the studs using a stud finder. Mark the studs with a small finishing nail. Measure the walls and floors to ensure you have the correct measurements.

Draw a level line approximately 36 inches above the finished floor and measure where the floor is the highest, this is where you will start setting the cabinets.

Test Fit the Base Cabinets

Test the layout by dry-fitting the cabinets. Start with the corner cabinets and move on to the rest of the base cabinets. Place them close together and ensure that drawers and doors clear each other appliance openings are the correct width and sink bases center under windows. Leave spaces for filler strips if necessary.

Position The First Cabinet

Place the corner cabinets 1/4 in. away from the vertical positioning lines. Shim the base until the cabinet top is level with the horizontal leveling line, and then level and shim the cabinet front to back. Put in shims and run screws into the studs through the cabinet back 1 in. down from the top if there is a gap between the wall and the cabinet back. The shims should be scored with a utility knife after the base cabinets are set and snapped off even with the cabinet top.

Attach the Frames

Position the next cabinet using the same process and clamp it to the first cabinet. Feel the joint with your fingers to see if it is misaligned. When they are aligned, drill 1/8 in. pilot holes through the frames and screw them together with 2-12 in. screws.

Add Filler Strips

Filler strips are needed where the cabins have space between the walls. Some appliances require exact openings. Measure between the wall and the end cabinets at the top and bottom. Draw a cutting line on the backside of a filler strip, ensuring you add 1/16 in. to each measurement.

The next step is to cut the strip at a 10-degree bevel from the backside so the wide edge of the keeper piece faces the front. To install, fit them tightly against the walls so you can drill and screw them into the cabinet easier. If the filler is less than 6 inches wide, it can float against the wall without support, but if it is more than 6 inches wide, it should be secured to a 1x2 backer board glued to the drywall directly behind the filler. Ensure the filler strip fits perfectly and plane the sharp edge of the bevel. Pre Drill and screw the strip into the cabinet frame.

Cut Openings for Plumbing

The cabinet below the sink will need holes for the drain, water supply lines, and outlets. To lay out the openings, measure from the layout lines at the top and side and transfer the numbers to the back of the cabinet. Do the layout work with the cabinet near its position and in the right orientation to avoid confusion. Use a 1-in.spade bit to drill for water supply lines and starter holes Drill until the tip penetrates the back and finish from the inside to prevent splintering the cabinet interior. Cut square openings with a jigsaw.

Install The Peninsula Cabinets

Position the first peninsula cabinet to the wall at a right angle. After leveling, clamp it to the adjacent cabinet and screw it to the cabinet and the wall. You will likely need to fill a 1/4 in. gap with shims before screwing it to the wall studs. If the cabinet is only 2 ft. wide, you may need to clamp and screw filler strips to the frame.

After that, position the next cabinets to permanent blocks on the floor by positioning the next peninsula cabinet and outlining its base on the floor with a pencil.

To install 2 x 2 support, draw a second line to mark the thickness of the cabinet base. Screw 2-by blocking to the floor with 2-1/2-in. screws spaced about every foot. Set the cabinets in place. Level with shims, then clamp and screw it to neighboring cabinets.

When you are ready to select kitchen cabinets, click here.